Monday, April 07, 2008

Str8 2 U From Me Dishes & More gets its start!

So, I made my FIRST sale yesterday at my new online store! I am so excited if you couldn't already tell! I have been slow at stocking the store due to various reasons, just basically trying to juggle alot and several hits of sickness at the house, but as of now I am motivated to make this my priority! To those of you who have looked in my store and have not seen what you are looking for, I apologize. I am adding inventory ALL DAY today, and I am sending out another coupon mailer in the next coming week or two, so I hope that you will bear with me and keep checking back, as I am able to offer better deals at my store than I ever could elsewhere and the best part is NO BIDDING WARS! So stay tuned and check back to because the deals are coming!! Now back to our regularly scheduled program....