Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So we survived!

OMG! SO the storm took out of power for a day. Things got pretty scary and school was closed for 3 days. Lots of damage done, but we were lucky to just lose some tree limbs and have some minor flooding on our street, others were not as lucky. Trying to get things cleaned up now and back to normal. I hope everyone in the path of this thing is getting prepared. Everyone should definitely have hurricane kits that are in the zones for these things, this was just a tropical storm and it was definitely as dangerous as any hurricane we have had lately!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Getting Ready for Tropical Storm Fay

Just a quick note to everyone that since we are in the path of T.S. Fay we are getting ready (we are pretty much ready) and are just battening down the hatches and waiting it out. School is closed tomorrow and we do not know about Wednesday. I will update with the outcome once it passes. All the best to everyone in Florida!

First Day of School

Today is the first day of school for the kids. I officially have a HIGH SCHOOLER! How did this happen?!?!?! Just yesterday he was in kindergarten, I swear.... Now he is out for the bus before the sun is up and I can see the nervousness on his face, but there is a hint of excitement as well. Alot of first for him. First time going to school alone (without his trusty sidekick little brother), this in itself is huge since they fight alot but they are glued to the hip most of the time. My other is going to 8th grade and is not so happy with his schedule, he has wait for it, gasp(!!) choir... Not. a. happy. child. He wanted anything but this apparently. So he feels double whammied, not big brother walking to the bus stop with him or making sure he got all of his stuff AND he has choir, well isn't this just great! (ok, yes he is a little dramatic, but aren't all 13 year olds..) I am so proud of the boys but I am a little sad. Somewhere along the road someone replaced my babies with young men and I was not prepared for this!!! Bring on the girlfriends and driving now right??? (oh and someone bring on the liquor because I am gonna need it!)