Thursday, April 29, 2010

Anatomy of a bathroom makeover Part 2

So we finished (mostly) our bathroom reno' and this is what we have to show for it. There are a few paint jobs needing to be done (powder room and bathtub wall) and the new flooring, that can be seen under the new sinks, eventually the entire floor will look like this. What ya think? Not bad for a couple ah amateurs eh?

Gimme my Money!

OK so I sent in my taxes waaaaay back in January so we can get in on that home-buyers tax credit. Yes, I would like my $8K in small unmarked bills thank you very much... I have called the IRS on several occasions to find out what the deal is.. After much holding and transferring and more holding and several different people, I was told look ma'am, they didn't even start processing them until April 15th... WHAAT!?!?! So who knows when we will get the money and continue in our quest to prettify our house.. Day Eleventy-million and the wait continues...

Monday, April 05, 2010

Anatomy of a bathroom makeover

So the hubby and I decided to make over our master bathroom this weekend. Shall we say we had NO IDEA the actual amount of time this would really take??? We figured, heck we both got a lil bit of know how, surely we can knock this right on out in a day right? WRONG! Lemme tell ya, we got an amazing amount of work done, BUT we still have some stuff tah' do. There is STUFF everywhere right now, but at least we have working sinks.. Our goal was to remove the builder grade single sink/counter/cabinet and replace it with dual sinks. We found some amazing free standing sink/cabinet sets with granite counters and we were SOLD. The install proved to be harder than we thought! We are still painting the walls and we need to install the new floor and mirrors, but otherwise it looks awesome! I will start posting pictures of all the remodeling we are doing. Hopefully it all turns out as awesome as I have it pictured in my head.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Playing Catch Up

So it has been way longer than I anticipated with keeping my blog up. Part of it is, what do I talk about? The other part is life getting in the way, which is actually a good thing. Just before the end of the year alot of changes happened for our family. First we bought our FIRST home! We are super excited at being homeowners and all the decorating and painting going on. We closed just before the end of December (literally with just a few days to spare) and we have been going nonstop it seems ever since.

Our goal is to get all the things the inspector pointed out fixed. Not a lot of things, just time consuming things, especially when you have a husband that works full time away from the home and you work in the home.. We are actually almost finish with the "work" parts and getting into the "fun" parts like choosing what we want the outside to look like paint and landscape wise.

Now about my webstore. It has been doing really well. I had an overwhelming response to it during the holidays and I had to take it offline during the move, but now it is back up and I am slowly getting things added to it as I unpack and reorganize my inventory in the new house. With more room it should be much easier once I have all the pieces where I want them.

School: The boys are adjusting to their new high school. There were some problems initially, but now all seems to be going well. The only catch is they are having to change schools again for next year as this school is too small and the city built another high school to accommodate all the kids in the county. So the pros to this are my oldest will be the first graduating class at the new school and my youngest comes out the year after him. The BEST part is they are going to a brand new school literally with all the fixings and I'm really excited about that. So that's about it for now, I will try really hard to keep this going better than I have, but it gets hard with all the things we have going on.. No promises, but I. WILL. TRY.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Easier said than Done!

So, getting my inventory updated and categorized AND added to my multiple venues has proven easier said than done. I have such an overwhelming amount of inventory that it will most likely take all summer to get it in order and that is including with help from the kids! To put it in perspective, I have SIX bookshelves with books in layers on each and 8 shelving units (with 5 shelves each) full of replacement dinner ware and cookware, along with 7 plastic bins full to sort through! (Oh, and the floor and my buffet table that has been taken over with inventory as well as my laundry room shelf unit!) I know, I know, I need help, physical and mental! I HAVE TO STOP BUYING! My rationale is in order to keep a certain number of things in stock at any given time, I have to have multiples of said items. HOWEVER.... I also have to organize and upload in order for people to actually know what I have! I'm working on that. I recently added some new advertising tools to my site, this helps other small business sellers and in turn helps with my advertising, so its a win-win. I am excited about it and have already seen an increase in site traffic! So, if you are reading this, I ask once again, please be patient with me as we grow. If you are really searching for an item, just drop me a line, I definitely will respond and can look at what I have and tell you if I do have it, believe it or not, I actually know what I have in stock for the most part, even if I dont know how many I may have. Test me, I just may surprise you!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Florida Weather

Wow, is all I can say! The weather for the last week has been crazy here! It has been raining pretty much nonstop. This is not good when you have been in a drought. The ground sure does need the rain, but couple that with over 25 inches of it at one time and you can see where the problem comes in! There is localized flooding all over Central Florida, but particularly near the coast. It has been mayhem! Things have been calming down as of yesterday, but last night we got hit with some more hard rain for a few hours. Who knows what today will bring.... Meanwhile back at the dishcave, I am hard at work inventorying and getting items listed in my stores, so check them out!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

So we survived!

OMG! SO the storm took out of power for a day. Things got pretty scary and school was closed for 3 days. Lots of damage done, but we were lucky to just lose some tree limbs and have some minor flooding on our street, others were not as lucky. Trying to get things cleaned up now and back to normal. I hope everyone in the path of this thing is getting prepared. Everyone should definitely have hurricane kits that are in the zones for these things, this was just a tropical storm and it was definitely as dangerous as any hurricane we have had lately!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Getting Ready for Tropical Storm Fay

Just a quick note to everyone that since we are in the path of T.S. Fay we are getting ready (we are pretty much ready) and are just battening down the hatches and waiting it out. School is closed tomorrow and we do not know about Wednesday. I will update with the outcome once it passes. All the best to everyone in Florida!

First Day of School

Today is the first day of school for the kids. I officially have a HIGH SCHOOLER! How did this happen?!?!?! Just yesterday he was in kindergarten, I swear.... Now he is out for the bus before the sun is up and I can see the nervousness on his face, but there is a hint of excitement as well. Alot of first for him. First time going to school alone (without his trusty sidekick little brother), this in itself is huge since they fight alot but they are glued to the hip most of the time. My other is going to 8th grade and is not so happy with his schedule, he has wait for it, gasp(!!) choir... Not. a. happy. child. He wanted anything but this apparently. So he feels double whammied, not big brother walking to the bus stop with him or making sure he got all of his stuff AND he has choir, well isn't this just great! (ok, yes he is a little dramatic, but aren't all 13 year olds..) I am so proud of the boys but I am a little sad. Somewhere along the road someone replaced my babies with young men and I was not prepared for this!!! Bring on the girlfriends and driving now right??? (oh and someone bring on the liquor because I am gonna need it!)