Sunday, February 17, 2008

Leaving on a Jet Plane..

So my hubby is leaving me in 7 days and going to Texas. He will be gone for 14 days and I am incredibly sad. I know it's for work and it is a good opportunity for him, but I don't have to like it. He is glad to be able to visit his family, but he told me he doesnt want to go, because he wishes I could go with him. Isn't that sweet? I don't know what I am going to do with myself for two weeks. This will be the longest we have been apart since we started dating!!
On the plus side for him, he will get to visit all of his family and he hasn't seen them in 2 years so they are really excited. Plus, his brother and wife just had a new baby so he will get to see his newest nephew. That's cool... I always hate for him to go away or for me to go away. The last few times I had to go out of town or back home was for deaths in my family (went back to New Jersey) and for my egg donation/IVF retrieval, so it was not for vacation, ya know??? Speaking of egg donation, I think I maybe having to do another one for my friend for a sibling so it would be VERY SOON this year before my 35th birthday. Egads, I am apprehensive about getting back in that boat!
Ok, I know I am rambling but I was unpacking all day and I am tired now so I wanted to jump on real quick before I call it a day. Before I turn the lights off, check out my ebay store, it doesn't have much in it right now since I just got my stuff unpacked and situated the way I want, but I have an outrageous amount of Corelle, Pfaltzgraff, Corningware and I even have cool vintage items that I will be getting up.
I also plan on doing a big listing push/fundraiser for the blog I mentioned previously (Confessions of a CF Husband) to benefit his wife. God put it on my heart to do this so I am. I hope to get that going in the next few days. So check back to my blog and my store. Thanks for playing and goodnight!

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