Monday, February 04, 2008


Moving sucks... No, strike that moving doesnt suck, PACKING AND UNPACKING sucks! I have been moving almost every year since I can remember. I know, I know I am crazy- this is another blog for another day, so moving along. This move was a bitch inparticular due to the fact that the place I moved from was over 2000 sf, while the new place is only 1260sf. Now for most people, if you move into a bigger space, you get BIGGER stuff. Well, we are no exception, but not only did we get bigger stuff, we got MORE stuff and on top of that we decided to get a lil more, cuz let's face it, who has too much stuff right!?!?!--WRONG! We do! The packing and moving took a week. You know you have it bad when your husband has to take a week off work to move and you use the weekend on the front and the back of it and finish JUST in time even if it is 2am the day you are to be done. So now we are in the new place. I use the term IN loosely, due to several issues we have faced since moving in. Nothing terribly major, but enough that it puts a dent in your unpacking plans. You know trivial things like, the tub leaking in bathroom#1, or the shower full on not working in bath#2. Flood in the kitchen from washer spewing its guts from the laundry room forward, and now the leaking kitchen sink. (the plumber now knows me by name) To date it still looks like we are still moving in, complete with crap strewn throughout the house, and the everyday hunt for keys, shoes, or whatever you need in that moment. Oh yeah, did I mention the several boxes and kitchen table under the carport where my ride should be?? Yeah, we havent unpacked diddly and so far kids, it aint lookin like we are doing that anytime soon ('specially with me not doing a dang thing in that area when I should be, but hey no ones here so who knows right!?!?!)

Ok since I am bitching, how about what I love about the move. My privacy. I love not having to hear the neighbors in the next apt. or in the parking lot. I love not having to park in a parking lot. I love having a front and back yard, although I am going on record to say that while I love having them both, I surely will not be in either of them doing yardwork. I will gaze upon them lovingly from the screened in backporch (which I also love). Ok, so I am not a total witch now am I?

I know I have to update and account for the last years that I havent been on, but the long and short of it is I am no longer in the market to have a baby. I am happy with what God has given me and my children are great, and that is enough. I will elaborate and I would now but, these boxes really are needing to get unpacked and being the super awesome person that I am, I really should get to it.*

(*ah-hem, hubby gets off work in 30 mins and I got about 45 total until he gets home, so it SHOULD atleast look like I tried to do something today)

Later dudes....

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