Thursday, February 14, 2008

So many celebrations, so little time.

So today is 2/14 and I have decided not to buy into the flowers and candy dream and settle for some quiet time not having to cook, who could ask for a better gift!! I just am not feeling the V Day celebration this year. I think it has a lot to do with just celebrating my 6th Wedding anniversary on the 9th. It feels like overkill to go out to dinner ask for some gift I dont need and all the nonsense that comes with the day. No offense at all to the hords of people out there that do celebrate today, as normally I am right there with you, but just not this year. It could also have something to do with the fact that we are still trying to get moved into our new place and I am not in a celebrating mood with tons of crap lying around everywhere! We are 19 days into this move and due to the gi-normous amount of ebay stuff I have on top of everyone else's stuff we are not going to be moved in until summertime (or atleast it feels that way) up until last night we still have boxes on the porch and under the carport... So I think I am gonna order pizza and take the night off with a good movie and if I am lucky I will convince hubby to join me. Happy V- Day to all of you who are braving the night out, be safe!


Super B's Mom said...

GOOD FOR YOU!!! Man that sounds tempting! I'd like to have a good pizza right now...

I hope you have a good evening. If if makes you feel any better, my house looks like an atomic bomb dropped. No kidding. I can send pics to prove it, if need be. :P


Jerseygyrl said...

Oh no! I just saw this post. Poor Super B. Prayers for him that he will get better real soon and that you will get some well deserved rest.

Love ya lots