Monday, February 18, 2008

What's a girl to do when EBAY is involved?!?!?!

So I am in limbo this week as EBAY has instituted some ludicrous new fee changes and feedback changes, instantly infuriating most sellers and causing them to go on strike. The strike started today (2/18-2/25) and will be in effect for one week. The fee change doesn't bother me nearly as much as the feedback change. I am currently at 98% on feedback (I have 2 negatives from jerk ebayers who wanted to extort me for money, long story) but otherwise my feedback is awesome.

Several things bother me about the feedback change. The main thing being I can no longer leave a negative or neutral feedback for a buyer. this may sound great for buyers, but really its not. Instead I will leave no feedback. Why do you ask? Simple, if I am selling and I have no leverage with feedback, it is not important to me to receive it, let alone leave it. I do forsee it being used to hijack a seller into refunds that arent deserved or replacement items,etc and who wants that drama?? Also feedback will only go back a year now. This too is wrong. Many have worked hard for YEARS to build up a reputation, now it is meaningless. Lastly, it is claimed that if you have a bad buyer you will receive protection, um-no, that isnt technically the case, as I have learned that if you file a non-paying bidder (NPB) and the "bad buyer" responds to it, but later leaves you a negative, it is valid and wont be removed (the protection comes when they do not respond, then if they leave you a negative it will be removed, but in fact they were doing this anyway so I dont see what is new about it, I guess it was mentioned for the benefit of those that didnt know this was the norm. The most awesome teeth-kicking part, you ask? Oh well simple Sally, that would be the part where you are required to use paypal (owned by ebay) and then if they think your transaction is suspect, the buyer doesnt leave you a feedback, or they smell rain in the air, they are now going to hold funds for up to 21 days (interest for them not you btw) or until you tell them something that makes them think you are trustworthy. Let the bloodletting begin...

So I ask again what is a girl to do? I have an incredible amount of inventory to sell, and perhaps nowhere to sell it. So should I open my own store on my own website and pay for advertising to it (can do this through google) or should I suck it up and pay the piper? I am participating in the strike at this point, but it remains to be seen if it makes a difference...

Let me know what you think

1 comment:

Super B's Mom said...

OH WOW! Talk about Ebay stickin' it to the little guy, huh? What a stinkin' ripoff! I totally understand your frustration with feedback only going back a year when you've worked so hard to build your customer base!

This is a tough one as for what to do from here. It would take a lot of researching before going off on your own, but who wants to work their butt off when Ebay is ripping you one??

Hang in there, sweetie! I love you!